You've invested a lot of money into your insurance policies with the expectation that when you need to file a claim the insurance will cover you. Bad faith insurance, however, will lead to insurance claims being denied and leave you hanging, wondering what to do. If this happens to you, there are steps you can take. Hiring a lawyer for your insurance claim denial can be an important step toward getting justice. According to IBISWorld, the personal injury lawyer industry was worth about $53 billion in 2022, so you have many legal professionals to choose from. Here are a few things you should know about how a lawyer can help with insurance claim denials.
It's helpful to understand a few of the reasons why claims might get denied in the first place. Insurance companies will employ different tactics depending on your situation. If they assume someone doesn't have legal representation, they may try to deny the claim. Those who do have a lawyer may find they're being offered a smaller settlement amount than what's fair. The insurance company may say that you filed too late or that you filed paper work improperly. There may also be claims that there were exclusions to your policy.
This is why it's helpful to have a lawyer on your side. A legal professional will be able to evaluate what the company is saying and determine if this is a fair denial or not. If it's not a fair denial, then the lawyer can work on your behalf to make the insurance company honor the claim.
If your claim has been denied, you need to make sure you're keeping all pertinent insurance documents easily accessible. Your lawyer will want to review this information when considering your case. If you feel confused by these documents, the lawyer can review them with you to make sure you understand all the details.
Your first step is to talk with a lawyer and conclude that the insurance company is indeed acting in bad faith. Then, you can explore options to file a complaint with your state's department of insurance. This will help to hold the company accountable for its actions.
These are just a few things a lawyer can do for you after you've received an
insurance claim denial. If you're looking for legal professionals in your area, please contact Martinez Hsu, P.C. today. We want to help you with your legal challenges.
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